{ "rasterFunctionInfos": [ { "name": "None", "description": "Make a Raster or Raster Dataset into a Function Raster Dataset.", "help": "", "functionType": 0, "thumbnail": "" }, { "name": "Hillshade", "description": "Hillshade function applied to multicounty lidar derived DTM mosaic", "help": "", "functionType": 0, "thumbnail": "" }, { "name": "Slope Percent", "description": "This is a slope percent raster for a multi county mosaic of lidar derived DTMs", "help": "", "functionType": 0, "thumbnail": "" }, { "name": "SLAP", "description": "Slope-Aspect derived from multicounty mosaic of DTMS", "help": "", "functionType": 0, "thumbnail": "" }, { "name": "Slope Degrees", "description": "This is a slope percent raster for a multi county mosaic of lidar derived DTMs", "help": "", "functionType": 0, "thumbnail": "" } ] }